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Speaker Series

​Every semester, SCMA hosts 4 - 5 general meetings that are part of the SCMA Speaker Series.

Here, company representatives come in and speak to our members about a topic of supply chain in their industry and opportunities at their company. These meetings are a great way to get students interested and applying to positions!

For example, KPMG hosted a Speaker Series and spoke about digitized supply chain and what challenges they have faced. Dell also hosted a case study where students worked through a supply chain issue with representatives from the company!​

How do I get involved?

Email Sophie Hopson at to find out how to host a Speaker Series!

We are always looking for companies to come to speak to our SCMA members! If we do not have Speaker Series slots available for the concurrent year, companies will be placed on a waitlist and prioritized for the next school year. For more information or to sign up for a Speaker Series, please contact Sophie Hopson at!

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